Wednesday, January 8, 2014

1/8/14. Wed. crossfit, and a run home from work...

5:30am crossfit.  Dragged T along, seeing as its her last workout for almost 2 weeks.  really going to miss her.  going to complicate my workout plan, having the extra responsibility of the boys and my dad, meals, school, etc.  plus i'll just flat out miss her.

5x3 deadlifts at 80% of 1RM.  loaded up at 245#, knocked out the 15.  felt real good, except after when my left hamstring keet twinging, like the feeling when you expect a muscle cramp to be imminent.  had to watch that one through the day.  WOD was 15 min AMRAP: 5 chest to bar pull ups, 10 24" box jumps, 15 44# kettlebell swings.  chest to bar is tough for me, so I was real slow and didn't rack up too many rounds.  in fact, I had to reverse my grip (chin up style as opposed to pull up style) so that I could consistently get that last little oomph to tough my chest to the bar.  I am feeling torn about WODs that have time involved (which is basically all of them).  Either its for time, and I get pissed because I am going slow these days, or its AMRAP, and I get pissed because I feel like I don't get enough work done to justify my hitting the gym.  sooner or later, as the mileage racks up its going to come down to programming my own workouts.  A defined set of work or sets, no time limit, just get in, do as much work as I set out to accomplish and fuck the clock.

my schedule was hosed up due to a trip to the airport.  in the interest of regaining some time, i decided it was a great idea to combine my commute from work with my run.  ok, maybe not great, but workable.  so after the airport run, i packed my running gear and got dropped off at work.  wasn't sure up front what the mileage would be, but I ended up stretching it out to 5K. kind of depressing to look out the window as the day goes by, and see the weather getting shittier.  and knowing you are hoofing it, no matter what.  even so, it was pretty cool.  left my clothes at work, and ran. was really dark and rainy, and i had to run on the shoulder of the freeway for a while.  ended up up with my fastest 5K time since I started running again in Nov.  kind of funny.  for how badly my legs felt thrashed (squats and deadlifts), I just pushed harder and ran faster this week.

1/8/14. C4 Extreme. protein shake. coffee. almonds. orange. turkey tetrazzini. apple. almonds. ravioli. meatball. salad. lots of water.

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