Wednesday, January 29, 2014

1/29/14. crossfit. will run tomorrow AM.

1/29/14. crossfit.

hit the gym for 5:30am WOD this morning.  feeling a little better today than yesterday.  5 min EMOM, 10 wallball shots. stupid wallball.  but the pace wasn't too bad.  slower than my last Karen.  could have kept that up a while.

WOD was Annie: 50-40-30-20-10 double unders and situps.  my DUs were off.  I felt pretty good, thought I nailed it, but was actually more than a minute slower than my last Annie.  I think this has more to do with my general output levels right now, with maybe a little contribution from slowly recovering from last week.  I could barely hit more than 20 DUs in a row, and it fatigued me greatly.

no run today.  recovery this afternoon/evening.  5:30am 5K tomorrow.  gonna give the Boosts another run probably Sat, for the long run.  I would like to slowly work them into rotation, see how I feel about them after both short/fast runs, and long/slow runs.

probably weigh-in tomorrow.  I used to hit this pretty consistently on Thursday mornings.  Weighing in daily is just too much.  constant fluctuations due to diet, hydrations, triaing, etc.  its not worth obsessing over daily weight.  once a week, at a consistent time, nad look at long term trends, like over several weeks.  Will try to remember to hit this both before/after the 5K, see if it makes much difference.

1/29/14. crossfit. wallballs. double unders.  situps.  NOxplode. protein shake. coffee. orange. almonds.  teriyaki beef. rice. broccoli. almonds. apple. Greek meatball pita tomato cucumber feta cheese gyro. Granola. Lots of water.

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