Thursday, January 16, 2014

1/16/14. Thurs. Run, Crossfit, judge's training.

1/16/14. Thurs. Run, Crossfit, judge's training.

woke up and ran my 5K this morning, at 5:30am.  if this is not something you have ever done, let me tell you, its not easy.  your body doesn't want to cooperate, and your mind doesn't help.  you want to stay in bed, and even if you get out the door its just so much harder to get going.  still dehydrated from a long sleep, joints are creaky, muscles don't want to respond, and all the while your mind says "go back to bed, forget this shit".  I really like this graphic I saw posted by Fleet Feet Sports Seattle.

the good new is that my back was feeling a little better this morning.  I was feeling maybe 75% capacity.  Or, on a scale of 1 to 10, my discomfort/pain was down to a 2 or 3 today (maybe a 3 or 4 yesterday).  Why a scale of 1-10, why not zero?  because a day doesn't pass that I'm not sore/stiff from something.  1 is the baseline. besides, our amps go to 11.  I just need to be mindful of "good sore" from a challenging workout and "bad sore" that could be an impending injury.  right now is the time to be super careful in the gym, and not aggravate my issues.  I will likely scale/substitute my workouts through the end of the week, long run sat, then re-address on Monday.

my run was otherwise pretty good.  it was cold, about 38 degrees.  really dark and pretty foggy.  visibility was less than 200 meters.  I really like the idea of an early morning run.  nobody out but me, the fog was inviting, running from pool of light to pool of light, as cast by the street lights.  very quiet, just overall a good experience.  very calming.  I did continue to run a little slower, and walk down the big hill.  I was also super mindful of the ground (looking for holes, curbs, cracks, etc).  I didn't want any bad steps to jar my back.

crossfit was supposed to be 10 EMOM thrusters, followed by a 10 min AMRAP: box jumps and push presses.  thruster, box jumps, and push presses, all had a potential lower back impact.  so i did 10 EMOM banded dips, and then 10 min AMRAP: 5 strict pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 air squats. 

Had Cretus judges training, last one before the even.  I am nervous, as usual, about judging.  I want to do a good job.  I want to be consistent.  I want to know and understand the movement standards.  i don't want to let any athletes down.  I will try hard to do the best job I can next weekend.

1/16/14.  run. crossfit. dips. pull ups. push ups. squats. coffee. orange. orange. turkey tetrazini. peas. tea. protein shake. 5 Guys burger.  lots of water.

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