Wednesday, January 15, 2014

1/15/14. no run. no crossfit. hope i'm 100% soon...

i normally don't journal on a day of rest.  but today was supposed to be a crossfit day.  didn't happen.  work had a problem, and i needed to get down to Plant 2 (by Boeing Field) by 8:30am for an all day project.  between getting the boys ready for school and heading out for work, I couldn't hit the gym.

and when I woke up, my back was super tight/stiff.  today was deadlift day anyways, so it was probably smart to ease back and give it a rest. 

i forget to mention my hot date last night.  hot date with a foam roller.  my legs/quads/calves/hips/glutes were so tight my foam roller made me yelp.  forget the trigger gridpoint, forget the rumble roller.  just the foam roller was all I could take, with only about 50-60% of the normal pressure.

tomorrow morning is supposed to be a 5:30am run, I hope i feel better tomorrow....

1/15/14. coffee. granola/milk. pulled pork BBQ sandwich. root beer. spaghetti, meatballs.  salad.

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