Friday, April 11, 2014

4/10/14. run and strength 2. 6th day in a row of running is always hard.

up at 4:45am, on the road by 5am.  it was hard.  the 6th day of running in a row seems to be mentally tough.  and getting up at o'dark:45 to do it is difficult.  I stood there in the driveway, for an extra minute, had a little trouble just starting.  but i did it anyways.  looking back at my data, my time seems roughly comparable with other thursday 5am 3 mile runs, but it felt tougher.  but maybe that's just because its fresher in my mind.  time heals all wounds - kind of like how i don't remember how bad a marathon is to run.  that's a self-defense mechanism, i guess.

did my strength 2 in the afternoon.  added a little more weight to the deads and the lunges this week.  after the first strength 2 day 4 weeks ago, when my legs ached for 4 days, I had backed down on the weights a bit.  i am slowly adding a little each week to get to the point where it feels hard to do, but i don't impact my weekend runs.

4/10/14. run. squats. deadlifts. front rack barbell lunges. russian twists. toes 2 bars. coffee. orange. cashews/almonds/peanuts. grilled chicken breast. potato salad. peas. apple. nuts. protein shake. chicken ravioli with sauteed kohlrabi. salad. lots of water.

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