Monday, March 3, 2014

3/3/14. Monday. What I have learned about myself. 1 week until it begins.

well, I guess that what's important, is that I come away from this rest having learned something about myself. 

2 years ago, I ran 6 days a week combined with approx 3 easy workouts (mostly body weight, push ups, sit ups, some resistance band curls and pull-downs).  After months on this schedule, I ran 2 marathons in 3 weeks.  I was able to keep up with this training, and I felt fine.

then, for the last year, I WOD'd 5 times a week.  and I continued to develop new skills and get stronger.  This was an OK schedule for me.

since November, I have re-introduced running, and I have attempted to slowly ramp it up, while holding to the same 5 workouts a week.  when I was at 3 runs and 5 workouts a week, I was feeling pretty good.  If I was able to hold the mileage static, I think this was a schedule I could have held long term.  Then I stepped it up to 4 runs a week with 5 workouts.  I held that for 3 weeks, and I think this was a pace that was not sustainable.  I proved I could do it, and I'm sure I could do it again, but this was not training.  I was not recovering adequately enough that I could continue to make gains.  This was an important lesson to learn, and I am glad I was able to do this before I started The Plan.  This will help me plan for the next 30 weeks. 

Here is a snapshot of how I have prepared myself to be ready for marathon training.  Approx 200 miles down in just about 4 months.

In addition to going for full recovery (mental and physical), I have also used this week off to try and self rehab my heel.  I have foam rollered and stretched my calf every day.  I have rolled out my arch and heel with a frozen water bottle every night.  I took my triggerpoint footballer to work, and rolled out my arch/heel while sitting at my desk.  I have worn shoes with a decent arch and heel support all the time, even at home.  The heel/arch still feels a little tight when I wake up and first start walking, but it no longer feels like I have a pebble in my shoe when I walk. 

First order of business is to ease back into some activity.  I think WOD Wednesday morning. Run 5K thursday, WOD thursday afternoon.  Rest Friday.  Run 10K saturday with yoga after.  Rest Sunday.  Then, Monday, let the real training start.

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