Sunday, March 16, 2014

3/15-16/14. sat and sun. 2 runs

well, this is the new weekend plan for a while. short run on saturday, long run on sunday.  i guess the theory is that Hal want you to get used to running on tired legs.  Hal says "the pace runs are placed on Saturdays ahead of the long runs on Sundays for a purpose. The main reason is to tire you out a bit in the first workout Saturday so you are not tempted to do the second workout Sunday too fast. It is also difficult to hit race pace on Sunday the day after a draining long run."  so there is a method to the madness.  but it's tough, and I am tired. 

saturday. 30 minutes of fartlek.  swedish running term for "speedplay".  Hal says:
Fartlek was developed in Sweden; the word means "speedplay." Fartlek is similar to tempo training in that it features a continuous run that starts and ends slow with fast running in the middle. The difference is that fartlek includes multiple changes of pace over varied (mostly short) distances. Run as you feel. Be creative. Pick out a tree and run hard to it. Ease back into a jog until rested, then pick out another landmark for your next sprint. Hard, easy, hard, easy. You define the tempo by how you feel. It's an enjoyable form of training that can either be your toughest or easiest workout of the week.

here is my data plot of pace versus distance.  you can see my sprints.  maybe I'll try to make them longer next time.  but I randomly chose landmarks to sprint to.  fairly short distances.  maybe I'll try to run this downtown everett next time (in 2 weeks), and use city blocks as my distance for sprints.

then the long run on sunday, 7 miles in 1:00:38.  was a rainy wet cold miserable mess.  ran it on tired legs all right.  I feel pretty trashed right now.  ended up being 23.62 miles for the week, about 3 miles more than I thought i'd do (under-estimated the mileage for my hill climb day and the 30 min speedwork).  no rest day.  tomorrow the gym at 5:30am, then 3 miles after work.  no rest day until Friday.  but all in all, i feel pretty good.  this was a drastic step up in mileage, which is not smart, but i feel OK.  I believe it will be all right.

3/15/14. speedwork. coffee. eggs. canadian bacon. peanut butter toast. granola.  chicken fried steak.  laoded baked potato. kale casserole. potsticker/miso/snap pea soup. egg/cabbage/shrimp pancakes. pie and ice cream. lots of water.
3/16/14. long run. coffee. eggs. peanut butter toast. granola. gartorade.  loaded baked potato. cashews/peanuts/dried cherries. pizza. pie and ice cream. lots of water.

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