Thursday, July 10, 2014

7/9/14. wed. longish run.

who am i kidding? longish run. although its only the mid-week run, the longish run is now practically as long as my actual Long Run ever got during the first 13 weeks of my plan.  7 miles was a long way to go on a wednesday, and it was hot and sunny.  I planned for it though.  I put on sunscreen, I intentionally tried to keep my pace a little slower, and I carried water.  it was hot, and i didn't want the burden of my nathan pack.  but it was just the right distance that i was able to wear my fuel belt which holds (4) eight ounce bottles.  of course I forgot how frustrating the belt is when the bottles are full.  with every step, the weight of the bottles twists and turns the belt on my waist.  then i have to re-adjust it every 2nd or 3rd step.  but by about halfway through i had drank half of each bottle, and then it settled in and didn't migrate as bad.  so i drank about a 4-6 ounces every mile or so, which i think helped keep me going.  i also stuck to the shade whenever possible.  maybe 30-40% of the run, i was able to stick to the side of the street that had trees shading it.  just no shade available for the other half of the time.  i was a hot mess by the time i got home, but i was successful.  I think i have overcome my self-doubt from sunday . I think that with adequate planning and hydration, I can still keep a decent pace in the sun and the heat.  probably not a race pace, but that's just the way it is.

I want to maximize my recovery between wed's run and thursdays run.  with shorter runs in previous weeks, i could knock out wed after work (call it 4pm), then hit thurs before work (call it 5am).  but with a 7 mile and a 4 mile, i need more recovery.  so i will push thurs run to the afternoon, which will keep me out of the gym.  sucks, but its a sacrifice i have to make to enable my running.  I would rather run in the morning before work (cooler, less traffic, just generally more pleasant), but I want the extra hours of recovery before hitting it again.  I hope 24 hours of recovery will help more than 12 hours.  I need to keep running top priority, and make the necessary sacrifices in the near term.

7/10/14. coffee. almonds/peanuts/cashews. steak fajitas. peas. apple. nuts. chicken on crackers. cheeseburger (wheat bun, bbq sauce, lettuce, tomato, blue cheese).  broccoli salad. cucumber salad. salad. national dessert of canada. lots of water.

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