Tuesday, July 29, 2014

7/28/14. Monday. strength.

when the alarm went off at 0450am, it felt too soon after Sunday nights long run.  an evening long run, then straight to bed, seems to be a recipe for a stiff/sore body.  i didn't have the drive or will to lift weights.  plus it's the start of my longest week of running ever, and i'm worried about energy and endurance.  i hit the gym anyways, but i did a 20 min strict cindy (AMRAP - 5 strict pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 air squats).  hit one additional round over last week's cindy.  but when i went to do GHD situps, I felt stiff and didn't do all the sets i intended.  my lower back was still stiff from the run, and it seemed like a bad idea to push it.

yesterday I complained about my painful toe - blister/bruise/hematoma turning black, the nail turning purple and painful to touch.  every step is like when you have a bruise, and somebody puts their thumb on it and presses.  best advice I got, from my good friend Jess, "they eventually go numb and you don't even notice".

some additional (more intrusive) advice I found on the web from runner Jeff Galloway...
If the toe hurts too much, especially 24 hours later, you should release the pressure underneath by one of two methods. It’s always better to have this done by a doctor, but I’ve heard from hundreds of runners who’ve done this by themselves without any significant problems. It’s up to you.
1. If the edge of the fluid is near the tip of the toenail, a sharp sewing needle can do the job. Sterilize it by putting it in the flame of a match or lighter until the tip becomes red hot. Be sure to insulate the end of the needle so that you aren’t holding it directly with your fingers. After a couple of minutes, when the needle is cool, send it into the thin layer of skin, at the edge of the toenail, where you see water underneath. Let the water come out. Enlarge the hole slightly and insert some triple antibiotic cream up underneath, squeezing it around to speed up the healing time.
2. If the fluid is in the center of the nail, sterilize a paper clip by putting it in the flame of a match or lighter until the tip becomes red hot. As in # 1 above, make sure that your fingers are insulated from directly touching the paperclip. While it is red, place the clip into the center of the fluid area. It will quickly melt the nail, producing a nice round hole by which the fluid can escape. As in # 1 above, squirt some triple antibiotic cream underneath, squeezing it around to speed up the healing time.

so after some thought, I like Jess's advice better than Jeff's.  Toenail trepanning sounds like a terrible task, and I will avoid this as long as possible.

7/28/14. strength 4. protein shake. coffee. almonds/peanuts/cashews. orange. steak. peas. pasta salad (shells, tomato, zucchini, parsley, garlic, olive oil, shredded asiago). apple. chicken parmesan, spaghetti and meatballs. salad. potato chips (BBQ, and Cheddar/Sour Cream).  Lots of water.

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