Wednesday, July 23, 2014

7/22/14. Tuesday. run. afternoon mob out.

7/22/14. Tuesday. run.

woke up at 4:35am, out the door and on the street before 5am.  it was a hard 4 miles.  when i did 3 miles every tues/thurs, it seemed pretty reasonable.  when it stepped up to 4 miles, it got hard.  i don't understand why 3 seems so easy but 4 is daunting.  when it hits 5 (two weeks from now) its really going to suck.  5 miles in the dark before work is no joke.

it was still pretty dark when i left the house, and a little chilly (55 degrees). as i passed the turn around point in my loop and was headed back north west, i could see the sky getting light ahead of me out over the sound and the olympics.  it was a beautiful dawn, the sky was washed from orange at the horizon to purple over my head.  just breath taking.  but the run was hard.  same issues, same heel, same quad, same IT band.  I've been wearing that toe condom for all my runs, as the tips of the toes of my left foot are starting to look like hamburger.

after work, the family was headed to the gym so i went with them.  spent an hour rolling out and working mobility.  bands, trigger gridpoint, lacrosse ball, foam roller, hell i even tried out some heel love'n ala Kstarr... 

7/22/14. run. coffee. orange. almonds/peanuts/cashews. beef stronganoff. peas. apple. nuts. meat lovers pizza.  fancy ass salad. lots of water.

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