Wednesday, May 28, 2014

5/28/14. tuesday. recovery run.

got up at 4:45am, hit the streets by 5am, knocked out 3 miles.  a few observations - its getting really light out, and its really starting to warm up - summer is coming.

this run was far more difficult than i thought it would be.  i thought the 300 squats were the easy part of Murph on Monday, but my legs were sore.  i guess it shows degree of specialization the running is developing.  even though I am running miles and miles and i feel like my legs are getting stronger, a bunch of squats still makes me ache.  looking back at doing Murph on my "cross-training" day, Hal says "Bike, swim, walk--whatever works best for you. Warning: Don't train too hard on cross-training days. Train only as hard as you would during a running workout".  Hah, "don't train too hard," I guess I blew it on that one. I vow I will not do Murph during my marathon training again.  this year, that is.

hopefully the rest of the week goes smoother.  I need a hot date with a foam roller.

5/28/14. run. coffee. orange. arugula salad with beans/tomatoes. turkey burger on pita, taboula salad. apple. nuts. meatloaf with carrot ragout, mashed potatoes. salad. lots of water.

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