Wednesday, May 14, 2014

5/13/14. tuesday. run

it was a 5 mile tuesday.  really sunny and hot, approx 74-75 degrees.  took this one slow and easy.  just a steady pace to get the miles done.  the weather was beautiful, but it felt hot.  fantastic day to be outside.  I put some sunscreen on (face, shoulders), i will try to keep up with this habit as the summer develops.

just for the hell of it, i am collecting some additional data.  i am interested in calculating my sweat rate, which i can compare to my water absorption rate, and hopefully calculate how much water i should carry on long runs.  here's how it will work.  longish runs only, but not the Long Runs (i will carry water/gu on the Long Runs).  so for any run between 5 miles and 10 miles, i will weigh in before and after the run.  from weight loss, I can calculate my sweat rate (in pounds per mile or per hour, and liters per mile or per hour).  I will collect this data for a number of runs and conditions and take some averages.  as an example, here is my data from tuesday:

5/13/14. run. coffee. orange. almonds/peanuts. beef stroganoff. peas. ham/cheese. spaghetti with bolagnese sauce. salad. lots of water.

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