Tuesday, June 10, 2014

6/9/14. monday. strength 1.

Hal calls this "crosstraining" day, so i call it a day to get in the gym.  same as last week: strict presses, pull ups, bench presses, GHD sit ups, GHD back extensions. same weights as last week, felt good.  lower body still feels fairly stiff from the weekends running, but this day off should go a long ways towards fixing that.

I'm going to try a new supplement on long run days (anything over 10 miles).  Mike Allsop recommended to me that I give L Glutamine a try.  he talked about using L glutamine during his marathon runs to aid in recovery.  he also feels that it helped to keep him from hitting the wall during distance. i did some online research.  may help, may not.  its a non-essential amino acid.  some people think it may aid in recovery and tissue re-building.  some think it helps in endurance, and converting glycogen to energy, and help prolong your body's energy stores.

either way, its pretty cheap, so i'm going to give it a try on some long runs.  5g before the run, then 1g every 30 minutes while running.  as my long runs get over 10 miles (in about 2 weeks), I will begin to re-introduce Gu packs every 30 minutes while running, and also try out the L Glutamine.  Which neccessarily means hydration, so I will need to start wearing the nathan hydation back pack again.  For the runs of 10-15 miles, I could probably just get away with my belt/bottles, but i may as well just dive in and start wearing hte pack again.  it will be training for Berlin.

6/9/14. strength 1. protein shake. coffee. orange. almonds/sunflower seeds. cashew chicken. peas. white rice. apple. nuts. chicken bog. sauteed kale/bacon. spinach salad. apple pie.

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