Thursday, June 5, 2014

6/5/14. wed. 5 mile, mid-week "longish" run

was very pressed for time, had to get E to a little league game by 4:30.  stressful trying to get up early, work all day, hurry home, run 5 miles, get him to the game on time.  wasn't an easy day.  my GPS watch died after about a mile.  I must have left it on after tues morning run, and 36 hrs later it was dead.  i know my 5 mile route, and i know when i started and finished.  so although i couldn't watch my pace or track my miles, I know I ran more than 5 miles in about 43 minutes.  avg pace of 8:36 min/mile, which is pretty much what i was shooting for.  i probably over-ran by about a tenth of a mile, because depending on the route my run finishes at slightly different point in my neighborhood.  so in all likelihood, i probably had a slightly lower pace (a little more than 5 miles in the same 43 minutes).  got all my requirements done in the day, but i am told i may have been a little grumpy and snappy.  i doubt it though.  i'm pretty sure it was everyone else.

6/5/14. run. coffee. orange. nuts. pasta/sausage/peppers/asparagus.  apple. granola. salami/cheese sandwich. nuts. chicken teriyaki, rice.  lots of water.

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