Monday, August 18, 2014

8/17/14. Sunday. Half Marathon "race"

per plan, this run was supposed to be a race.  i didn't have a local race on this date, so as usual i planned to just run my own "race".  I have been running for 42 weeks.  I have over 830 miles under my feet in those weeks.  i have been training hard, and i am feeling good and i have been making all sorts of speed gains.  I was so ready to set myself a new half marathon PR and show that my training is really working.  and then I failed.  I was slower than my half PR by 6 minutes (moving time) and 13 minutes (elapsed time).  this is really disappointing.

now, keep in mind my PR was set on a cool, lightly raining early spring day in the pacific northwest. ideal conditions.  this time, it was over 80 degrees when I left the house, and it was pretty humid.  I know that i cannot expect peak performance when the conditions are oppressive.  but that feels like an excuse. my whole run, i kept saying to myself this wasn't so bad, just think of those guys running the Badwater (135 mile ultramarathon through death valley in mid-summer).  this is easy, just 13.1 miles in SC, and at least my shoes aren't melting to the pavement.  I should be able to just knock this out.  But it was bad, and I have no metric or conversion factor to account for the environmental conditions.  I can only directly compare pace and time.  and by that comparison, i failed.  not only is it frustrating, but it also casts doubt on my whole plan and performance.  screw south carolina. i wish i wasn't feeling bad about this, but i am.  I am reminded of the comic The Oatmeal when he described a run in Japan that was terrible.  although I didn't have any wasps (just heat and humidity), i imagined myself as godzilla, leaving, flipping the double bird to South Carolina.

in addition, my heel/arch has flared up again.  felt great for some time now, and after this run i was limping.  argh.  travel, then a day of rest, and then another big miles week coming.  43 mile week coming up, and I'm feeling grim about it.

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