Friday, December 27, 2013

We'll give this one a try...

Sometimes I actually take some advice. And I have been advised to keep a training journal through my training for the 2014 Berlin marathon. I want this to pull shit together. I track my WODs on beyond the whiteboard, I track my runs on Garmin connect, I bitch about shit on Facebook. But I want to pull together my training under on blog umbrella. What I ran, what I lifted, what I ate, what I weigh, how I feel. What I experimented with, and what seemed to work for me. And what didn't. Maybe this will read like a run log, or workout log, or a diary.  I'm not sure. All I know is that I am going to try to be somewhat fluid with my training, and this is where I will record my choices. I am planning to use Hal Higdons "personal best" marathon training plan. But I want to keep up with my strength training and at least minimize any lost ground in the gym.  I have worked hard for the last year at crossfit everett, and I hate to lose my progress. But I'm not sure how mutually exclusive distance running and strength training are going to be. Right now I am in a running "break in period". After almost a year without running, I am trying to establish a baseline run strategy that will let me build a solid base. So that when i star my marathon plan on march 10, I dont hurt myself. I am currently running about 11-12 miles a week (across roughly 3 runs), and I crossfit 5 days a week. Sometimes my crossfit complements my running, sometimes it does not. I especially wonder what will happen as my running increases.  Can anticipate the day when I can no longer WOD 5 days a week, and then the day when I maybe drop to body weight strength training (pull ups, push ups, situp).  In my mind, i want to keep a barbell in my hand as long as possible, but we'll see what reality brings.

Oh well, thats enough rambling to see if this shit works. If anybody reads it, good for you. If you follow me, that's fine too.  And if nobody but me ever looks at this, then it's serving it's purpose.

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