Saturday, December 28, 2013

Friday, 12/27/13

Friday was a non-running day. My previous training plans always had a rest day prior to the long run day. Although my long runs aren't so long yet, I am keeping this practice. Maybe I just being lazy, just a little. When I work out in the mornings, then spend the day away, usually work, it's hard to get home, see my family, then turn around and go run. It's especially difficult when it gets dark at 4:30. So Friday afternoon/evening are just a weakness for me, and I tell myself to save energy for the long run.

So even though I'm not working (Christmas break), I still got up and did 5:30am crossfit. As i always do before a 5:30 workout (a vice), i drank a powdered energy supplement.  Today was C4 Extreme, orange.  2 scoops, just enough water to make sludge. I pressured Theresa to get up with me and go work out  i think she was pissed, and i guarantee she was grumpy  Couple of reasons I went early on a day off... First - our friend Robyn is a nurse, and she works out with us Fridays before her shift.  I like having just a few friends around when I work out (not a crowd). Second - Jesse says if I don't show up for a 5:30am class, ever, that shit is canceled. Third - and the real reason - I feel very strongly that I need to keep routine and schedule and consistency in my training plan. I know it's fucking ridiculous, but in the back of my mind I feel that if I skip a class or get lazy or sleep in, I will just roll over and give up. Back to the couch, back to the junk food, back to being over 235 pounds, back to the herniated disc,  waiting for heart disease to catch me. It's stupid, but there it is.  I am afraid I will be weak, so I discipline myself to be strong.

That being said, there's nothing to be proud about in that work out.  My upper arms (deltoids/biceps) have been smoked for weeks now. So sore. Lots and lots of pullups, pushups, toes to bars, etc.  I've been trying real hard, and it's caught up with me.  That "12 days of Xmas" WOD on tues finished me off.  Rx was 135, so I went with 95 (I can Rx a lot of body weight movements, not so much on the upper body weightlifting).  Probably a mistake.  Couldn't really sweep my arms out to the side and over my head yesterday - too stiff, too sore. Friday WOD was 21-15-9, thrusters and box jumps. Billed as a 10 min WOD. I went real light, 75 pound, which was less than woman's Rx.  But I didn't get hurt, and I was done in less than 10. Box jumps (24") were fine, as usual. Left knee is a little sharp, when I put weight on it and squat down.  Another reason to go light on thrusters. I am torn, is it better to go light, stay safe, get done on time, or just go heavy, lift hard and take as long as it takes? I think I get my cardio and endurance on the road, so I am in the gym to get and stay strong. Which makes me want to go heavy, heavy, heavy, and just push till I fail.  But thenwhenit comes time to do it my resolve wavers and I rationalize why lighter is smarter. Just fucking weakness. I need to fix this.

12/27/13. Crossfit. Thrusters, box jumps. C4 Extreme, coffee, homemade egg mcmuffin, salami/chedder bagel sandwich, 2 oranges, cup of almonds, salmon chowder, spinach salad, wheat bread/butter, handful danish butter cookies.

1 comment:

  1. I am also afraid that if i don't get obsessive i'll get lazy. I'm not so sure it is stupid - I gave myself permission not to do the 2010 half, and i haven't been able to get myself back in the game since. If only i had someone to drag my ass out of bed with some crass and coffee every morning.
