Thursday, July 24, 2014

7/24/14. wed. cold, soaking 5 miles.

just one week ago on wednesday, i was running 7 miles in the blazing sun, well above 80 degrees.  and i complained about it.  today, it was barely 50 degrees, super windy, and raining like hell.  per the weather service, record rainfalls were set.  no big surprise there, because i ran in it.  totally soaked in about 30 seconds, head to toe.  couldn't see because of the water streaming over my eyes.  its the little things you forget, like rain washing sweat into your eyes, and the following burning agony.  when the weather is horrid, you can rail at the heavens and shout and curse, but nothing is going to get you home and out of it except continuing to run.  and for the first time ever, my shirt (soaking wet, plastered against my chest by the wind, cold as hell) gave me chafed nipples.  it got so that my shirt rubbing across my chest while i was running felt like taking a cheese grater to my nipples.  but it was too cold to just take my shirt off.  it did not get to the point of blood, but another mile or two would have sealed the deal. truly a miserable experience.  trying to take a shower after my run was like having a (2) hot coals pressed against my chest.  the only redeeming aspect of this run was that i ended my run more hydrated than when i started.

I went to bed with neosporin on my nipples.  i hope this heals fast.

7/24/14. run. coffee. almonds/peanuts/cashews. orange. pizza. fresh totato pasta. pastrami/swiss on a corn tortilla. apple. nuts. cottage cheese. ribs. mashed potatoes. corn. arugula salad. blueberry tart. lot and lots of water.

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