Friday, July 18, 2014

7/17/14. thurs. 4 miles in the sun.

it cooled down a bit, but was still in the upper 70s for my 4 mile run.  the family was going to the gym, so i went with them and ran from the gym.  everett is so flat, i ran really fast, even in the heat. finished 4 in about 32:10, approx 8:03 min/mile pace.  dressed pretty light, wore my fuel belt, all 4 bottles.  felt pretty good running, drank all 32 ounces while i was running.  i read an interesting article that was an interview with an ultra-marathoner named Anton Krupicka.  when asked "What are the three most important things for aspiring trail runners to embrace?"  he said "Hiking. Eating on the run (so much of trail running is ultrarunning, it seems). Giving up control—the mountains are wild, so embrace that and become comfortable in it."  I'm getting fairly decent drinking on the run.  i don't choke cough and sputter so much, and i can breathe while drinking.  but actual eating on the run will be a challenge, if i can ever get a chance to run further than 26.2.

my middle toe is still bruised and blistered.  today i tried running with the toe condom, a silicon sleeve that stretches over the tip of your toe and is supposed to help if keep a blister from getting rubbed raw.  seemed to work fine for a short run, we'll see if it helps over the weekend.  of course, i'd rather just have my toe heal, but i can't quit running so i just have to try to alleviate the issue.  what does that say about priorities, that i would consider cutting a hole in the end of the toe of a $160 pair of shoes, but i wouldn't consider reducing my mileage?

anyways, a day of rest on Friday, then big big miles this weekend.

7/17/14. 4 mile run.  coffee. almonds/peanuts. orange. reuben sandwich. broccoli salad. black bean soup. apple. nuts.  Western BBQ burger at Bob's. sweet potato fries. salad. jojos. lots and lots of water.

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